NDTV CorrespondentSunday, December 30, 2007 (New Delhi):India has been waiting since long for Tata’s dream Rs one-lakh car launch. But the proposed launch on January 10 at auto expo show in New Delhi is going to be special for some other reason also. The Head of the Tata Group, Ratan Tata would like to retire from active business life after his dream project gets a successful launch. Tata told a newspaper recently that the launch of the small car would be a best time for him to exit from the business world.Tata Motors, the giant automobile group of more than Rs three trillion market value, is scheduled to unveil the vehicle, which is popularly called as the "People's Car".The Cornell-trained architect Ratan Tata helped in designing the car and aimed to attract the middle class to get off their motorbikes and turn into cars.Marketing the car as the world’s cheapest mass-produced car, Tata recently said that the car would not pollute more than a motorcycle.However, the rival carmakers are not really persuaded about the safety and emission standards of the car, at that price.
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